Write term paper
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Oral Defense free essay sample
Toward the evening, the advocates Pictures in Motion will confront the specialists. Before the opportunity has arrived, the defenders go to the college right on time for readiness. They went to the canvas printing look for their 3†by 3†covering. The advocates have six hours left so they check for their capacity point introduction. The inclination that can’t clarify whether it is anxiety, appetite or simply nothing, is in the advocates. Remaining inside the reproduction room, close to the gathering room where the advocates will protect the venture achievability study, is a major weight. Everytime there is a gathering inside the meeting room guarding their investigation and numerous blunders are seen and those mistakes are additionally in our examination, we generally need to transform it. In any case, how? The papers are inside the gathering room. Two hours left, still there is the inclination that can’t clarify. The advocates chose to have their hair style (trusting that we will be quiet). We will compose a custom article test on Oral Defense or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page While inside the salon, we are trusting that we won't be destroyed or atleast our investigation will be possible enough according to the specialists particularly Dean Yu who is exacting with regards to money related viewpoint (the most significant part for the advocates). The opportunity has arrived. We will guard our proposed business, Pictures in Motion, a portable photography studio. Everybody of the defenders is apprehensive. We initially talked about what is on our PowerPoint introduction and after that is the issue and answer partition infront of the specialists. The defenders truly welcome the proposals and remarks of the specialists. The sentiments that can’t be clarified are currently being clarified. The sentiments of bliss are communicated in the proponents’ faces. The advocates will reconsidered the examination dependent on the recommendations and remarks of the specialists. After the inquiry and answer, we understood the blunders that we made in our examination. It’s like the torn is disposed of. The bliss that this possibility study is over is currently can be felt. It resembles opportunity that we can concentrate on our significant subjects.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Fire Inside Me Essay Example for Free
The Fire Inside Me Essay A flash has been lit within me. It has gotten appended to my body, making a fire that will before long expend me. There are things I do truly desire for myself, and this fire is there therefore. The fire constrains me to accomplish the entirety of my objectives. The fire lit as all fires startâ€the smallest sparkle. I could tell from the â€Å"pinch-like†torment that the flash landed right over my littler digestive system, directly in the â€Å"pit of my stomach. †With every objective I set for myself, the fire becomes more grounded, more blazing, and more brilliant than any time in recent memory. I need to attend a university, and with that pondered internally, I can feel the fire develop within me. The black out smell of smoke that would cause one to think back a youth open air fire shows up in my noses. My skin becomes marginally hotter, and my once cool, wet, moist palms have unexpectedly gotten cool and dry. I need to be valedictorian, and in under a moment, I can feel the little fire become bigger, encompassing my stomach, liver, nerve bladder, and spleen. The fire has developed to the size where one could see a variety of hues: orange, red, yellow, and the faintest blue-tinge situated in the focal point of the fire. I need to win states for soccer; quickly the fire increments in size once more, this tedious my lungs, muscles, and bones; it assumes responsibility for my digestion tracts, throat and kidneys. With each breathe out I set forth, I feel dim dark smoke ascend through my trachea and gradually trickle out of my noses, leaving just the smell of smoke, and seeing dark fume wisping before my eyes. My eyes that were once blue have gradually started to turn red, as though to show others of the fire that devours meâ€the fire that drives me. The flame’s ringlets whip around my heart and cerebrum, sufficiently close to cook my two-most-essential organs. With each bit of food I eat, the flavor of charcoal ascents to my lips and tongue, giving me no greater satisfaction in either eating or drinking. I have become for all time got dried out in light of the fact that all that I drink before long goes to fume because of the warmth. Never again am I cold, or even warm, however am presently hot to the touch. I will be effective, and with this objective, the fire totally wraps me. The warmth in my body could raise the temperature of the Arctic Circle by a couple of degrees. I would now be able to hear the sound of my organs sizzling, snapping, and flying in the exceptional warmth. The fire is presently shown in splendid shades of blue, light and dim, purple, a dynamic yellow, a staggering red, and a brilliant orange. Seeing my fire would be sufficient to humiliate any dawn or dusk. With each breath I take, the air is promptly lost, utilized rather to fuel the fire. The fire that currently devours me has become a piece of me. It lives inside me and powers my considerations to be focused. The fire no longer causes torment for me, as I have come to acknowledge my fire, my energy and drive. Before long, with me gradually achieving my objectives individually, it despite everything pushes me ahead. It causes it with the goal that I to can push past any hindrance before me. The fire permits me to see that I will be effective and that I will accomplish all my life’s objectives. I once in a while can't resist thinking about whether Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, or some other extraordinary history-creator had their very own fire a lot of like this. I comprehend that the fire will one day reduce. It will by and by lose authority over my body, abandoning just dark shaded organs, the minor smell of smoke, and the slight taste of charcoal. Before long, the fire will turn out to be just a sparkle by and by leaving the rest of my fire to scatter in the last smoke fume to leave my consumed nostrils. Be that as it may, for the present, the fire despite everything fills me. Until further notice, on the off chance that one would look carefully enough, past the consumed hair, the darkened organs, and the throbbing red eyes, they would in any case have the option to see that minuscule sparkle.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Classes Fall 04
Classes Fall 04 In numerical order, this term, I am taking: 4.614; 7.012; 14.02; 14.30; 21A.453 In alphabetical order, this term, I am taking: Anthropology of Middle East Biology Principles of Macroeconomics Religious Architecture and Islamic Cultures Statistical Methods in Economics Can you match up the class with the number? (Hint: there are two 14s and two econ classes. Im a genius, I know.) Okay, here go some descriptions: (Note: Professors names will go to websites about them, not their email addresses!) 7.012 introductory biology professors: Eric Lander Robert Weinberg format: 3 one-hour lectures and 2 one-hour recitations fun facts: Eric Lander “has been one of the principal leaders of the Human Genome Project†and in 2003 “has been named Scientist of the Year by the National Disease Research Interchange in recognition of his leadership in the field of genomic research and development.†For more info, read this article Robert Weinberg “discovered the first human oncogene and the first tumor suppressor gene.†He is one of the founding members of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research. memorable moments in class: After discussing lactase and lactose, etc., Professor Weinberg concluded his discussion by saying, “Im married to a lactose-intolerant person. Shes otherwise very nice.†Professor Lander explained how Mendel (a monk) did much of his inheritance research on peas, and then asked the class why Thomas Hunt Morgan, at Columbia University, used fruit flies instead. People shouted out things like, “They reproduce quickly!†“They reproduce slowly!†“They have fewer chromosomes!†“They have more chromosomes!†Lander told us we were all wrong, and then asked us to consider, “Where the hell are you going to grow peas in Manhattan?†A quotation from my Biological Science textbook: “The Sexual Selection Hypothesis: Giraffes have an unusual social system. Breeding occurs year round rather than seasonally. To determine when females are coming into estrus (or heat) and are thus receptive to mating, the males perform an unusual behavior. They nuzzle the rumps of females. In response, the females urinate into the males mouths. The males then tip their heads back and pull their lips to and fro, as if tasting the liquid.†Yes, folks. This is what you learn at MIT. 14.02 Principles of Macroeconomics professor: Ricardo Caballero format: 2 one-hour lectures, 1 one-hour recitation fun fact: Professor Caballero received “The 2002 Frisch Medal of the Econometric Society.†This summary of his work will probably impress you more than the title of the award, not to mention confuse the hell out of you. memorable moment: Ha Yan Lee, my recitation instructor, was going over the equation for total demand (of goods and services): Z = I + C + G, where I is investment, C is consumer consumption, and G is government expenditure. She described it this way: “Its broken up into three groups, just like high school. You have the cool group, the regular group, and the losers.†Hrm, you can pick which one is which for yourself. 21A.453 Anthropology of the Middle East professor: Susan Slyomovics format: 2 one-and-a-half hour discussions (hybrid of lecture and recitation, since there are only 3 students in the class :P ) fun facts: Professor Slyomovics is the “winner of the 1999 Albert Hourani Book Award given by the Middle East Studies Association, and the 1999 Chicago Folklore Prize.†Also, shes “chair of the Massachusetts Institute of Technologys innovative program in the Study of Women in the Developing World.†Her participation in the Fulbright Scholar Program is summarized here. (Mitra note: I knew Professor Slyomovics was really talented, but I had no idea she was so highly decorated. This is crazy; for three hours a week, I sit at a conference table with her and two other students, and we talk about articles, books, movies, and our own experiences with the Middle East. Little did I know.) memorable moment: We were talking about the contrast between traditional and canonical literature in particular, 3 categories: the elite/academic, the popular/mainstream, and folklore and how some things (opera, jazz) have moved from the “bottom†up to the “top.†Professor Slyomovics told us that jokes/riddles fit in the bottom category, and in fact one of her professors wrote a paper on the history of light bulb jokes, and how their changes over the years can track societys patterns in racism (!). Then we talked about how fashion is another example of appropriation, and how distressed jeans are really trendy now. THEN we learned how there is a huge fake antique industry in Egypt (where she used to live), and in order to make the non-antiques appear ancient, merchants feed them to turkeys, whose digestive acids eat away at the paint to make the dolls look “distressed†!! Is this not the best class ever? So we went from picture 1 to picture 2 to picture 3, all in 5 minutes of anthropological discussion :P 14.30 Statistical Methods in Economics professor: Herman Bennett format: 2 one-and-a-half hour lectures and one one-hour recitation fun fact: On the first day of class, we went over basic probability definitions, and one note was the difference between permutations (order matters) and combinations (order does not matter). One notable example: the Athena usernames (and email addresses) of my professor and recitation instructor are permutations of each other memorable moment: Here are two sample problems from practice exam 1: (And no, none of the real exam questions was this easy. I wish) 3. (Divas Live) VH1 is planning yet another Divas Live concert and they want to select three of their ten invited divas to perform Bawitdaba with Kid Rock a) In how many ways can the trio be chosen if the three divas perform at different times during the song? For the rest of question 3, assume the divas perform the same part at the same time. In how many ways can the trio be chosen? b) Brandy and Monica are still fighting over whose boy it really is and refuse to perform together. In how many ways can the trio be chosen? c) Celine Dion and Shania Twain decide to form a Canadian coalition and insist on either both performing or neither performing. In how many ways can the trio be chosen? I know, Im really scraping the bottom of the barrel with these pictures. Must. fix. camera 5. Youre at a wild party playing spin the bottle with an infinite number of people of whatever gender you favor. The people are indexed by a real number in the interval 0 = x = 1. The more attractive a person is, the higher his or her number. The non-standard game goes as follows: Flip a fair coin (coin #1). If it shows heads, spin a pointer whose probability of stopping in any interval is proportional to the size of the interval, and whose perimeter is marked with a uniform scale from 0 to 1. You get to kiss the person to whose number the pointer points. If, on the other hand, coin #1 shows tails, dont spin the pointer; instead, flip a coin again (coin #2). If coin #2 shows heads, you get to kiss the best-looking person (person with index 1). If coin #2 shows tails, you kiss the ugliest person (person 0). Let the random variable X be the index of the person that you end up kissing. a) What is the CDF of X? Be careful to specify the function completely. b) What is the probability that the person you kiss has an index exceeding 3/4? c) What is the probability that the person you kiss has an index equal to 1? Oh, those dirty economists. Gasp! I have to go, mid-post, but I will post architecture as soon as possible! happy reading =)
Classes Fall 04
Classes Fall 04 In numerical order, this term, I am taking: 4.614; 7.012; 14.02; 14.30; 21A.453 In alphabetical order, this term, I am taking: Anthropology of Middle East Biology Principles of Macroeconomics Religious Architecture and Islamic Cultures Statistical Methods in Economics Can you match up the class with the number? (Hint: there are two 14s and two econ classes. Im a genius, I know.) Okay, here go some descriptions: (Note: Professors names will go to websites about them, not their email addresses!) 7.012 introductory biology professors: Eric Lander Robert Weinberg format: 3 one-hour lectures and 2 one-hour recitations fun facts: Eric Lander “has been one of the principal leaders of the Human Genome Project†and in 2003 “has been named Scientist of the Year by the National Disease Research Interchange in recognition of his leadership in the field of genomic research and development.†For more info, read this article Robert Weinberg “discovered the first human oncogene and the first tumor suppressor gene.†He is one of the founding members of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research. memorable moments in class: After discussing lactase and lactose, etc., Professor Weinberg concluded his discussion by saying, “Im married to a lactose-intolerant person. Shes otherwise very nice.†Professor Lander explained how Mendel (a monk) did much of his inheritance research on peas, and then asked the class why Thomas Hunt Morgan, at Columbia University, used fruit flies instead. People shouted out things like, “They reproduce quickly!†“They reproduce slowly!†“They have fewer chromosomes!†“They have more chromosomes!†Lander told us we were all wrong, and then asked us to consider, “Where the hell are you going to grow peas in Manhattan?†A quotation from my Biological Science textbook: “The Sexual Selection Hypothesis: Giraffes have an unusual social system. Breeding occurs year round rather than seasonally. To determine when females are coming into estrus (or heat) and are thus receptive to mating, the males perform an unusual behavior. They nuzzle the rumps of females. In response, the females urinate into the males mouths. The males then tip their heads back and pull their lips to and fro, as if tasting the liquid.†Yes, folks. This is what you learn at MIT. 14.02 Principles of Macroeconomics professor: Ricardo Caballero format: 2 one-hour lectures, 1 one-hour recitation fun fact: Professor Caballero received “The 2002 Frisch Medal of the Econometric Society.†This summary of his work will probably impress you more than the title of the award, not to mention confuse the hell out of you. memorable moment: Ha Yan Lee, my recitation instructor, was going over the equation for total demand (of goods and services): Z = I + C + G, where I is investment, C is consumer consumption, and G is government expenditure. She described it this way: “Its broken up into three groups, just like high school. You have the cool group, the regular group, and the losers.†Hrm, you can pick which one is which for yourself. 21A.453 Anthropology of the Middle East professor: Susan Slyomovics format: 2 one-and-a-half hour discussions (hybrid of lecture and recitation, since there are only 3 students in the class :P ) fun facts: Professor Slyomovics is the “winner of the 1999 Albert Hourani Book Award given by the Middle East Studies Association, and the 1999 Chicago Folklore Prize.†Also, shes “chair of the Massachusetts Institute of Technologys innovative program in the Study of Women in the Developing World.†Her participation in the Fulbright Scholar Program is summarized here. (Mitra note: I knew Professor Slyomovics was really talented, but I had no idea she was so highly decorated. This is crazy; for three hours a week, I sit at a conference table with her and two other students, and we talk about articles, books, movies, and our own experiences with the Middle East. Little did I know.) memorable moment: We were talking about the contrast between traditional and canonical literature in particular, 3 categories: the elite/academic, the popular/mainstream, and folklore and how some things (opera, jazz) have moved from the “bottom†up to the “top.†Professor Slyomovics told us that jokes/riddles fit in the bottom category, and in fact one of her professors wrote a paper on the history of light bulb jokes, and how their changes over the years can track societys patterns in racism (!). Then we talked about how fashion is another example of appropriation, and how distressed jeans are really trendy now. THEN we learned how there is a huge fake antique industry in Egypt (where she used to live), and in order to make the non-antiques appear ancient, merchants feed them to turkeys, whose digestive acids eat away at the paint to make the dolls look “distressed†!! Is this not the best class ever? So we went from picture 1 to picture 2 to picture 3, all in 5 minutes of anthropological discussion :P 14.30 Statistical Methods in Economics professor: Herman Bennett format: 2 one-and-a-half hour lectures and one one-hour recitation fun fact: On the first day of class, we went over basic probability definitions, and one note was the difference between permutations (order matters) and combinations (order does not matter). One notable example: the Athena usernames (and email addresses) of my professor and recitation instructor are permutations of each other memorable moment: Here are two sample problems from practice exam 1: (And no, none of the real exam questions was this easy. I wish) 3. (Divas Live) VH1 is planning yet another Divas Live concert and they want to select three of their ten invited divas to perform Bawitdaba with Kid Rock a) In how many ways can the trio be chosen if the three divas perform at different times during the song? For the rest of question 3, assume the divas perform the same part at the same time. In how many ways can the trio be chosen? b) Brandy and Monica are still fighting over whose boy it really is and refuse to perform together. In how many ways can the trio be chosen? c) Celine Dion and Shania Twain decide to form a Canadian coalition and insist on either both performing or neither performing. In how many ways can the trio be chosen? I know, Im really scraping the bottom of the barrel with these pictures. Must. fix. camera 5. Youre at a wild party playing spin the bottle with an infinite number of people of whatever gender you favor. The people are indexed by a real number in the interval 0 = x = 1. The more attractive a person is, the higher his or her number. The non-standard game goes as follows: Flip a fair coin (coin #1). If it shows heads, spin a pointer whose probability of stopping in any interval is proportional to the size of the interval, and whose perimeter is marked with a uniform scale from 0 to 1. You get to kiss the person to whose number the pointer points. If, on the other hand, coin #1 shows tails, dont spin the pointer; instead, flip a coin again (coin #2). If coin #2 shows heads, you get to kiss the best-looking person (person with index 1). If coin #2 shows tails, you kiss the ugliest person (person 0). Let the random variable X be the index of the person that you end up kissing. a) What is the CDF of X? Be careful to specify the function completely. b) What is the probability that the person you kiss has an index exceeding 3/4? c) What is the probability that the person you kiss has an index equal to 1? Oh, those dirty economists. Gasp! I have to go, mid-post, but I will post architecture as soon as possible! happy reading =)
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Impact Of Technology On Health Care Essay - 1010 Words
Abstract Technology is doing wonders to the health care world. We have advanced tremendously from previous years and researchers are still finding ways to improve the system. Technology in health care is so important because there are many barriers that stop people from receiving the help and care they need due to many reasons like language barriers. With the improvement of technology, we have witnessed how people’s health and wellbeing has improved by using fitness apps and watches that track calories and footsteps. Research was conducted on the gadgets, apps and devices that are shaping health care today. In recent light, the United States has tried to implement the computerized medical records in hospitals and clinics. Companies are also investing in creating technology that helps doctors connect with one another and translate medical information to people that do not speak English. It will definitely take time for the world to implement a systematic health care plan because many p laces lack the funds. In the early 1920’s, paper medical records were created because the Health Information Management industry found it of importance to document patient history (Brooks, A. 2013). In today’s day and age, technology has advanced to where many hospitals like the Veterans Affairs and Kaiser along with many clinics have adapted to computerized electronic medical records. However, we are still working on getting allShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Technology On Health Care780 Words  | 4 PagesTechnology in healthcare is growing to redefine health care processes both within health care organizations and the way people interact with them. Technology exploitation in mHealth (mobile health), Telehealth and speech-to-text software is rapidly increasing within the health care system to provide a convenient, fast and reliable means of connecting health care professions, patients and health information. mHealth provides rapid connectivity and remote communication means necessary in care processesRead MoreTechnology Impact On Health Care1295 Words  | 6 PagesTechnology Impact in Health Care Marc Gaynor HCM420: Critical Thinking Colorado State University-Global Campus Professor: Cheryl Chance December,4 2015 In modern times advances in technology has impacted all facets of today’s society and remains to offer viable benefits that were at one point considered unrealistic. Human civilization over the past decades has taken great pains to advance their technological understandings (Lambdin, 2011). Moreover, medical biotechnologyRead MoreHealth Information Technology Impact Health Care1418 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout my interviewing process all aspects of health Information technology were discussed, and to my expectations the answers I received were somewhat expected. I interviewed a Registered Nurse who is currently employed by Covenant Healthcare with 20 years of experience, the mother of an infant who is very concerned about her kid’s health and believes it is a top priority, and a senior citizen who recently lost his due to complications associated with his diabetes. For the first question, theRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On Health Care950 Words  | 4 Pages The Cost of Technology in HealthCare As humans when we find ourselves in pain, what are the first places that come to mind for help? Hospitals, doctor’s offices, clinics, and other health facilities or simply just a quick call to an ambulance. But while we’re getting treated for our discomfort, it never crosses our minds of the actual cost of the technology in these places that are providing us with comfort; or that allows whomever whether it’s a doctor, nurse, medical assistant, physical therapistRead MoreThe Health Care Industry And The Impact Of Technology1518 Words  | 7 Pagesmeet the needs of the growing senior population, and advances in technology can allow this population to be treated more effectively in the comfort of their own homes. Technology has had a huge impact on health care in general. From lifesaving medical equipment and new methods of developing pharmaceuticals, to medical filing systems and new developments like minimally invasive procedures that actually cut back on overall health care spending. This paper will specifically focus on the benefits andRead MoreImpact Of Technology On Health Care Industry1006 Words  | 5 PagesQuality in Health Care, focuses on how there have been many developments in technology which could be utilized to â€Å"effectively deliver services†within the health care industry (Thambusamy Palvia, 2011, p. 1). Through innovation, health care facilities are expected to provide top quality care to patients. Technology has made that possible; however, prior to this study, it was unsure if the two had any correlation. The research that was conducted involves the term â€Å"service†in the health care industryRead MoreThe Impact of Innovative Health Technolo gies in Nursing and Health Care997 Words  | 4 PagesTechnology in Nursing and Health Care: The continuous transformation of the health care field through the introduction of new technology tools has contributed to the need for nurses to stay current with new trends and keep track of what is on the horizon. However, these rapid technological changes and advancements in the health care field have seemingly precluded any probability of anticipating the future. As a result, nurses and other health care professionals can prepare for the future by remainingRead MoreMedical Technology And Its Impact On Health Care1601 Words  | 7 PagesMorrissey, an orthopedic surgeon, states â€Å"New, eye-popping medical technology provides earlier diagnoses, personalized treatments and a breathtaking range of other benefits for both patients and health care professionals.†What Morrissey is saying is that new technology in the health care world can provide wide variety of benefits for not only health care workers, but it also benefits patients greatly as well. New medical technolog y can help with an infinite amount of things, such as diagnostic testingRead MoreHealth Information Technology Impact On The Quality Of Care Essay1778 Words  | 8 PagesHealth Information Technology Impact on the Quality of Care The health care industry is driven forward by the advancements in technology. Advancements in technology has improved the way health care treatments are delivered to patients. Patient outcomes are affected in the way that the care is being delivered. Technology has found ways to not only improve the way it is being delivered but has also made it more efficient in how it is being done so. Therefore, healthcare quality has improved with theRead MoreThe Impact Of Smartphone Technology On Behavioral Health Care Essay1561 Words  | 7 PagesAlthough there is a big variety of possibilities of smartphone technology bringing to behavioral health care, there are also several key issues that both professionals and users should be aware of. In the following section, a brief overview of primary issues is provided in order to point out some suggestions for a better user practice and the trend of the mHealth in mental health. 1. Security and Privacy Issues One big challenge is always around the security of the patients’ private data collected
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Hamlet a Feminist Approach Essay examples - 1224 Words
Hamlet: A Feminist Approach Sexism: the belief or attitude that one sex is inherently superior to, more competent than, or more valuable than the other (most commonly used for male superiority). This idea that women are weak is not a new one in the modern world. It has been studied for countless years along with the concept of a patriarchal society. A patriarchy is defined as a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it. Such systems currently exist in several forms and areas around the world; however, the most common place for these patriarchies is in literature. Novels, plays, works of nonfiction, and other forms of literature have shown to either â€Å"reinforce or undermine the†¦show more content†¦Tender yourself more dearly, orâ€â€not to crack the wind of the poor phrase, running it thusâ€â€you’ll tender me a fool†(31). Here, Polonious clearly shows that he does not care as much as for Ophelia as he does for his reput ation, suggesting that he thinks that women are inferior. In addition, Ophelia’s lack of refusal to being pushed around while submitting to her father’s oppression contributes to her being portrayed as a weak, frail woman. The single response to her father’s lecture on her relationship with Hamlet is â€Å"I shall obey, my lord†(31). She truly has no say in important decisions either. For example, she was asked to spy on Hamlet by her father and Claudius, and no option was provided to say no, simply because it was expected of her to follow the orders of the males present. As Polonius and Claudius spy on Hamlet and Ophelia, Hamlet and Ophelia’s dialogue shows the degradation of females. Hamlet says, â€Å"†¦for wise men know well enough what monsters you make of them. To a nunnery, go, and quickly too†(31), describing his disgust and lack of trust for women in marriages, thinking they are all uncommitted deceivers. Hamlet, as the plot progresses, eventually accidentally kills Polonius, leaving Ophelia with no close family and influences left. When she comes to the King and Queen insane, Claudius says, â€Å"Oh, this is the poison of deep grief. It springs all from her father’s death, andShow MoreRelatedFeminism in both Hamlet and Lady Oracle Essay1179 Words  | 5 Pagesworks, Hamlet and Lady Oracle, chart both the life’s course of their main characters and underline the protagonist’s trajectory in some decisive moments of their existence, when both of them, Hamlet and Joan Foster, need to take some decisions which may change their destinies. In this brief essay I will try to point out similarities and differences between these two stories taking into consideration a feminist approach. First and foremost I would like to mention what do I mean by feminist approachRead MoreEssay about Ophelia: Harshly Criticized1027 Words  | 5 PagesHamlet, a tragedy written by William Shakespeare in the 16th century, has been subject to evaluation for centuries. Each character has been broken down and analyzed. The psychology of each character has been examined. Every relationship has been studied to find more answer surrounding the play. Harold Bloom and Sigmund Freud have examined it extensively. Scholars have dissected all parts of the play. One character that has recently been analyzed more and more is Ophelia. She has been defended byRead MoreThe Role Of Female Characters In Hamlet1347 Words  | 6 PagesHamlet is a play about death, revenge, and love. Written by William Shakespeare, this play is famous around the world for its dramatic plot. The central theme of Hamlet is love. The story starts off with a Queen falling in love with the brother of her husband. The Quee n decides to quickly marry the brother of her previous husband, when her previous husband suddenly dies. Her son (Prince Hamlet), who loves his biological father and disagrees with his mother’s quick decision to marry, is quite saddenedRead MoreConflict Between Hamlet And Laerte By William Shakespeare1564 Words  | 7 PagesThroughout Hamlet, several characters die. For most, this happens through combat, such as the duel between Hamlet and Laerte, which kills them both. In the play, however, two characters die in quick, seemingly careless ways. The first, the fair Ophelia, is killed by her own madness in what seems to be suicide. The other, Gertrude, dies due to the carelessness of her husband, who accidentally poisons her. In both of these cases, their deaths, and the events that led to them, represent a differenceRead MoreLiterary Criticisms of Shakespeare’s Hamlet Essay1234 Words  | 5 Pages This essay will discuss several literary criticisms of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. After skimming through several articles, I ended up with four peer-reviewed journal articles, each a different critical perspectives of the play: feminist, psychoanalytical/freudian, moral, and new historicism. My previous studies of Hamlet, as well as my rereading of the play this semester, has collectively given me a general knowledge of the text. My familiarity of the play made it easier for me to decipherRead More Feminine Representation in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay2628 Words  | 11 PagesFeminine Representation in Shakespeares Hamlet      Abstract: This essay employs Feminist Criticism, New Historicism, and Marxist Criticism, to analyze the portrayal of Queen Gertrude and Ophelia.  Because Shakespeares Hamlet centers on the internal struggle of the Prince of Denmark, the reader focuses primarily on his words and actions. An often overlooked or under appreciated aspect of the play is the portrayal of the female characters, particularly Queen Gertrude and OpheliaRead MoreHamlet s Life And The Way That He Portrays Women Essay1007 Words  | 5 PagesShakespeare’s Hamlet, there is no doubt that Gertrude has had quite the major impact on Hamlet’s life and the way that he portrays women. Gertrude is the only woman in Hamlet’s life, so his view on women is strictly based off of what he knows about his mother. But is Gertrude a horrible mother? Is she a good mother? Is Ophelia a whore, or is this assumption based solely on Hamlet’s perspective of his mother? These questions can be answered through both a psychological and feminine approach, alongRead MoreBrothers Grimm and Beautiful Mind1109 Words  | 5 Pagesbiography of the mathematician John Forbes Nash Jr., Sylvia Nasar quotes one of his colleagues: All mathematici Premium 2568 Words 11 Pages * A Critical Analysis of Feminist Theories Concerning the Representation of Women in Advertising. A Critical Analysis of Feminist Theories Concerning the Representation of Women in Advertising. There are many forms of feminisms which often contradict each other and focus their efforts on issues which reflect their local concernsRead MoreFeminist Theory Applied to Hamlet2809 Words  | 12 PagesRepresenting Ophelia: Women, Madness, and the Responsibilities of Feminist Criticism Elaine Showalter Though she is neglected in criticism, Ophelia is probably the most frequently illustrated and cited of Shakespeare’s heroines. Her visibility as a subject in literature, popular culture, and painting, from Redon who paints her drowning, to Bob Dylan, who places her on Desolation Row, to Cannon Mills, which has named a flowery sheet pattern after her, is in inverse relation to her invisibility inRead MoreFeminist Criticism Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare1838 Words  | 8 PagesFeminist Criticism of Hamlet â€Å"Frailty, thy name is woman†(1.2. 150)! This controversial line, followed by several more from the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, displays a common view towards women that portrays them as being weak and reliant on men. Throughout the play, two women, Ophelia and Gertrude, are shown to be dependent on the men in their lives. They both take on a senselessly obedient state of mind. Even though they share this common characteristic, Ophelia and Gertrude are very different
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Junior Rios. Britschgi. English 3. March 21St, 2017. Animal
Junior Rios Britschgi English 3 March 21st, 2017 Animal Testing Throughout the years the use of animals in medical research has been a hot debate around the world. Although animal testing may be cruel and inhumane, thousands of humans are saved thanks to the research that animals supply researchers with. Animals testing have taken over our knowledge of medicine and treatments to a whole different level. Animal testing also does this in a cheap and effective way. Without animals testing out knowledge wouldn’t be up to date, in other words animals’ testing is good. One way animal testing benefits people is by helping researchers find treatments and drugs. For example animals helped researchers find a cure for polio. This finding alone helped†¦show more content†¦If a drug affects the animals then it would not be used or tested on a human therefore possibly saving that person life. Not only do humans benefit from testing but so do the animals, â€Å"Animal experimentation is not only beneficial to humans but animals as well. If the vaccines were not tested on them, a lot of them could have died from rabies, infectious hepatitis virus, anthrax, feline leukemia, and canine parvovirus. Remedies for hip dysplasia and glaucoma were also discovered through animal testing. But the real highlight is that vivisection helped kept endangered species, such as the California condor, the tamarins of Brazil, and the black-footed ferret, from becoming extinct. This is why animal testing is endorsed by the American Veterinary Medical Association.†(16 pros and cons of animal experimentation, n.d.). This evidence alone shows that animals benefit from the test as well. They can go to the vet and get their daily shots and live a happy life with their owners. Without testing this wouldn’t be the case. Although animals testing help humans in many ways it can be cruel and inhuman to the animals being tested on. Depending on which lab the end up in they could be treated poorly and starved. They could be â€Å"inflicted with burn wounds and pain to test for a healing process†(Brown, 2017). This is cruel and just wrong for many reasons. â€Å"When testing to evaluate irritation caused by
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